Haid Pertama Anda

Haid Pertama Anda

Dari senggugut dan perubahan emosi ke pelbagai produk kebersihan yang tersedia, dapatkan semua maklumat yang anda perlu tahu mengenai haid pertama anda. Selain itu, dapatkan nasihat penting tentang cara menangani haid dengan mudah.

Akil baligh

Segala yang anda perlu tahu mengenai tanda-tanda dan peringkat akil baligh yang dialami oleh wanita. Tambahan pula, tips untuk mengatasi detik sukar, supaya kesihatan dan kebahagiaan anda tidak terjejas.

Menempuhi kehidupan bersama haid

Kami telah mengumpulkan segala maklumat yang anda perlukan berkenaan setiap aspek kitaran haid anda. Supaya haid tidak menghalang kehidupan seharian anda, walau apa jua peringkat kitaran haid anda.

Masalah haid

Peka tentang sebab-sebab masalah haid bermakna anda bersedia untuk menanganinya apabila ia muncul. Sama ada mengenai menangani senggugut atau kebocoran, atau masalah yang lebih serius yang memerlukan bantuan doktor, anda boleh mendapatkan semua maklumat di sini.
Couple lying in bed

Sex & Relationships

Got a worry about relationships or a question about sex? Here you’ll find stacks of useful information and advice about sexuality, safe sex, and relationships, sorting the myths from the facts.


Pregnancy is a time of huge change, it can be overwhelming – but having the facts can help get you prepared! We cover all stages of this journey: from fertility issues, to being pregnant, to life postpartum.

Around Menopause

Being able to spot pre-menopause symptoms means you’re better prepared for the changes your body’s going through. From pre-menopausal bleeding to hot flushes and breast tenderness, here’s how to tackle this tricky stage.

Daily Intimate Care

A handy round-up of useful tips and info about intimate care and cleanliness. So you can be sure of staying fresh and feeling comfortable every day.
Image of a mother and her daughter lying on the floor and talking - Libresse


Dreading ‘the talk’? Explaining topics like puberty or sex to your child can be awkward… but you’ve got this! Getting clued up on how to address these topics can make parenting a lot easier.

Your Body

Figuring out how we feel about our bodies can be tricky, especially when it comes to our V-Zone (that’s more than the vagina and vulva!). But knowing more about what’s supposed to be normal can help to put your mind at ease.